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Writer's pictureKitty

Hey Bartender...

Let's get married

I love and I want to stay with you

Let's get married

Have kids and grow old and grey with you

Let's get married

Hold hands when we walk in the park

Lets get married…

One of the most, not only important but exciting things someone can ask you, is lets get married, though saying that it can also be cringeworthy and l have been on the end of such a proposal, more of that later.

Do people still want to get married these days? I know some people who have been burnt and will never go down that path again. I am not one of them. l sometimes feel l have been married more times than Elizabeth Taylor but does that deter me, no of course not lm looking for my happily ever after, lm a never say never sort of gal.

To most marriage is the ultimate commitment, its more than a piece of legal paperwork. Marriage means many different things, to many different people. It can be difficult to find a universally applicable, true meaning of what marriage truly is. There are so many differing viewpoints on this subject and people often disagree about what marriage means to them, we all have our own point of view and reasons for marrying the person that we love. I can only give my views and I know you are dying to know.

Marriage to me means blending two lives into one. Learning from each other, creating strong bonds, living, loving and ultimately growing old together. Sharing the good times and also dealing with the bad times, because there will be some and your strong bond of love will see you through. What I have learned is that marriage is like a super-strength glue, that binds and holds together all the pages and chapters in the book of life. It represents a sense of foundation, strength and unity. There is a reason we commit to love and support one another through thick and thin, in the good times and the bad, in sickness and in health. Life happens after your wedding, and it will be good and bad and everything in between. It will be exciting, fun, rewarding and exhilarating. For me personally, marriage means strength when I feel weak, it means love and knowing that someone is there to support me when I feel overworked and exhausted. It means knowing that someone has got my back. Finally you have someone forever and ever. Officially a team. Supporting, encouraging, and loving you unconditionally.

On the flip side a proposal thats unexpected and from someone that truly isn’t husband material due to one or up to ten reasons can be a little confronting. How do you deal with that, do you take the sympathetic approach or maybe the approach lm headed to Africa for 12 months with a NGO so l cant commit or sorry lm actually a lesbian? Either way no one wants to hurt anyone, but sometimes it cant be avoided.

I remember the first wedding l went to, it was my cousin Rosemarys l was only 15 and l guess it did leave a lasting impression on me, as l went on to tie the knot numerous times, remember my Liz Taylor comment.

Wedding receptions are always eye openers, from family members that look like they need to be kept 100 metres away from children to distant Aunts and cousins you’ve never met or haven't seen since you were in nappies, and how apparently you used to run around naked and play in their paddling pool, my goodness get me out of here. No wonder l headed off to the open bar and to the horror of my mother who called for my father and said, Les carry her to the car. l guess that third or was it fourth Bacardi and coke was having a hilarious effect on me. I actually think me hanging off Uncle Douglass and saying l loved him was a dead giveaway that l was on the turps. I guess it was just a bit too much for this teenager who was only used to chocolate milkshakes, but hey l don’t blame myself, it was the Bartenders fault he never asked my age, how can l be held responsible for his lack of judgement. I look back on that wedding and apart from the obvious it was a great one. Theres something about friends and family and the love that surrounds everyone at such an event, its just beautiful.

Weddings can be wonderful and at the end of the day if all goes well that love and commitment will last a lifetime.

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Jul 20, 2023

yes today marriage doesn't mean as much as it used to its very disposable


Jul 18, 2023

Another great blog. It was an amusing and interesting take on first impressions of marriage.

I think society today expects marriages to fail, My reason for thinking this is due to the way the younger generations are/were raised. It seems to be that with a lack of respect for others feelings, some people always want more or just take. Marriage is a two way street, give and take, but some people just want to take.


Jul 18, 2023

😀😆😀 gotta love the old Bacardi and coke … priceless


Jul 17, 2023

I believe that marriage is the uniting of 2 souls, a commitment you make to one another. Like the ring that is placed on your finger, it symbolises eternal love. It shouldn’t be something that is taken lightly, but it appears that our society is a throw away society, and sadly marriage can fit into that.


Jul 17, 2023

Oh my sounds like a fun wedding Kitty cheers

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