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Knickers On...

In March I took my daughter to her first Proclaimers concert and yes she did have a great time apart from her mother embarrassing her a little or if you ask her a lot. Fifteen year olds apparently don’t need to see their mother up on their feet and screaming the lyrics to 500 miles and moving their arms around and around like they are having some sort of bizarre fit.

I would walk 500 miles

And I would walk 500 more

Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles

To fall down at your door

Da da da (da da da)

Da da da (da da da)

But did l care, no of course not isn’t it a parents right to embarrass their child, well thats my view on the situation, maybe because my mother more than not did things like that to me while l was growing up. l remember once hearing her telling my Aunt Mavis about throwing her knickers up on stage at a Tom Jones concert, my god even though the mere thought of that sent shivers down my spine, part of me thought what a ballsy or rather crazy thing to do, not that l would ever do any such thing, but at the last Proclaimers concert l went to, the thought did cross my mind. But due to the fact l didn’t want to be carted out under police escort my knickers stayed in place for the duration of the concert plus lm not sure Charlie would appreciate a pair of my knickers at his feet or even worse in his face.

My daughter went to their concert only knowing the songs from the Sunshine on Leith Album due the fact It was playing non stop in the days leading up to the big Melbourne concert. I was surprised on the way home she wanted me to put their CD Dentures Out on in the car, lucky l bought it at the Merch stand, though lm still kicking myself l didn’t get that T-Shirt l saw, can we ever have too many? After 90 minutes at the Athenaeum the Proclaimers now have a new young fan, that is the effect these great guys have on people young or old. Now due to the fact l basically only play their music on Spotify and on my Marantz turntable in the lounge room , she is a total convert, which is quite remarkable, a teenager who loved K-POP and the Rolling Stones now suddenly adds the Proclaimers to her list of favourite bands.

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